Week 39- Don’t Make it Difficult (Acts 15:1-35)

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Sermon Notes

The Holy Spirit draws people to God. He gives Christians the ministry of reconciliation as vehicles in this process. As such, we are a part of a means to an end; many turning to God, by His grace through our faith. However, when the means gets in the way of the end, we make it difficult to turn to God. What are ways that we “put on the necks of disciples a yoke that they are unable to bear?” As fishers of men, how are we possibly trying to clean the fish before God enables us to catch them? God does indeed desire that we be set apart and different from the world we live in once we turn to Him. Our task at the onset is to make sure that God is the one that initiates that transformation and that we do not hinder that glorious work by making it difficult to turn to Him.
