Nov 4, 2018
Week 5- To See Jesus’ Glory
Series: Finding Your Purpose- John 17

- Nov 4, 2018Week 5- To See Jesus’ Glory
Nov 4, 2018Week 5- To See Jesus’ GlorySeries: Finding Your Purpose- John 17
Concluding His prayer in John 17 (and our series) we see Jesus’ deep desire and intercessory prayer is that those who hear the gospel through His disciples would see His glory. Jesus sends us, just as the Father sent Him. When we make His message and His rescue known, the manifestation of His glory occurs. Jesus wants us to participate in that glory.
- Oct 28, 2018Week 4- To Be in the World, But Not of It
Oct 28, 2018Week 4- To Be in the World, But Not of ItSeries: Finding Your Purpose- John 17
Christ followers are aliens in this world. We are a part of a different kingdom though we live, move, and make decisions and plans while residing in the kingdom of this world. We are where Jesus wants us. He has you in this world at the very time and locale that you are. It is all part of His plan, a part of His purpose. A part of your purpose. Jesus wants us to be in the world, but not of it.
- Oct 21, 2018Week 3- To Have Joy
Oct 21, 2018Week 3- To Have JoySeries: Finding Your Purpose- John 17
Stop the presses! One of the purposes for your life is for you to experience joy. Yep, seriously. Not happiness that comes from having a good day or buying something you wanted. Joy that comes from His glorious presence; from His Holy Spirit. That is what is on Jesus’ heart that He intercedes for us. Jesus wants us to have infectious joy that changes everything in our life!
- Oct 14, 2018Week 2- To Be One
Oct 14, 2018Week 2- To Be OneSeries: Finding Your Purpose- John 17
When introduced to Christ, we are brought into a family. An incredibly loving and powerfully gifted people who follow the King and find our belonging. We are not to go at it alone! Jesus desires unity.
- Oct 7, 2018Week 1- To Know God
Oct 7, 2018Week 1- To Know GodSeries: Finding Your Purpose- John 17
In John 16:33, Jesus tells His disciples that He wants to give them peace for He knows they will have trouble in this world. He then prays for them. Within His prayer (John 17) and this series, Jesus shows what is most important to Him for us. What better way to find our purpose than to hear His heart! Jesus wants us to know God.