- Feb 25, 2018Week 7- Speaking in Tongues
Feb 25, 2018Week 7- Speaking in TonguesSeries: Spiritual Gifts
This gift is a bit of an anomaly, being emphasized too much (in incorrect ways) or maligned. In a believer’s life, it can also be underutilized. Surely, it is the most misunderstood of all the spiritual gifts. We will look at this spiritual language that God gives as one of the evidences of the Spirit’s baptism and the two major functions or ‘kinds’ of speaking in tongues. It is the weakest of the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit given for ministry and yet the most beneficial gift for the individual believer. (1 Corinthians 12:27-31, 14:1-25)
- Feb 18, 2018Week 6 – Office Gifts
Feb 18, 2018Week 6 – Office GiftsSeries: Spiritual Gifts
These gifts are not intended to be the ones who alone are gifted to do the work of God in their given gifting or domain. Instead, individuals operate in these gifts to equip and prepare the church to do the “the work of the ministry” (works of service)! They help to edify and unify others to utilize their gifts to serve God and serve people. (Ephesians 4:7-16, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31)
- Feb 11, 2018Week 5 – Manifestation Gifts
Feb 11, 2018Week 5 – Manifestation GiftsSeries: Spiritual Gifts
These are the gifts that manifest themselves through the Body of Christ to attest to His gospel through signs and wonders. They bring glory to His name and bring validity to His word. Unbelievers realize that "God is truly here among you." These gifts appear when they are needed the most. They may not always be something that we function in on a day to day basis like motivational gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
- Feb 4, 2018Week 4 – Motivational Gifts
Feb 4, 2018Week 4 – Motivational GiftsSeries: Spiritual Gifts
These are the gifts that motivate us. They seem to govern and influence other gifts at other times. These stay with us, compel us, an inform our service to our God as we serve others! Understanding and recognizing these gifts helps to realize how we function and how the Body of Christ works with its many parts. (Romans 12:3-18)
- Jan 28, 2018Week 3 – Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
Jan 28, 2018Week 3 – Purpose of Spiritual GiftsSeries: Spiritual GiftsWe examine what are spiritual gifts. Why are they given, for what purpose? Who should they impact? What is our directive from the Lord concerning spiritual gifts? Being able to “label” your gift is not of utmost importance. Using your gift is!
(Acts 2:1-21; Ezekiel 37:1-10; 1 Peter 4:7-11; Proverbs 18:16) - Jan 21, 2018Week 2 – When the Holy Spirit Comes on You
Jan 21, 2018Week 2 – When the Holy Spirit Comes on YouSeries: Spiritual Gifts
The Father promised a gift. One that we must wait for before we can accomplish His will. His power, His active presence in us and through us compels us, sends us, and equips us! We examine what it is to be baptized in His Holy Spirit. This is NOT a one-time event.
(Acts 1:4-8; Acts 4:13-14; John 7:37-39; Luke 11:1-13) - Jan 14, 2018Week 1 – Word AND Spirit
Jan 14, 2018Week 1 – Word AND SpiritSeries: Spiritual Gifts
It is one thing to know truth but another to know the power of the truth. But what about knowing and experiencing both? We are called to live a life devoted to both the Word of God AND the power of God through His Spirit! Without both, equally as vital, we are susceptible to error and do not experience the fullness of our Lord as individuals or as a church.
(1 Thessalonians 1:4-6; Matthew 22:29) - Jun 23, 2013The Gift of Prophecy: Revelation and Communication Gifts of the Spirit
Jun 23, 2013The Gift of Prophecy: Revelation and Communication Gifts of the SpiritSeries: Spiritual Gifts
How many of us desire to prophesy? If we do not have this desire, we are being disobedient to Scripture and are not being effective in edifying His body! We will look at what prophecy is; distinguish between the manifestation gift, the motivational gift, and the office gift of Prophet. We will also cover frequently asked questions regarding the prophetic. God wants us to "speak forth" His divine will and purposes of God in people's lives so that they will worship God and exclaim "God is really among you!" (1 Corinthians 14; Numbers 11:24-29)