May 13, 2018
Women of Influence (Mother’s Day)
Scripture tells us that men have God-given authority as head of the household, while women have been given incredible influence. We will look at women throughout the Bible who have used that gift in their various roles; as wives, mothers, and leaders. Women need to see the great opportunities they have to use their influence, and be aware that with their influence comes great responsibility. "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more." (Luke 12:48)
- May 13, 2018Women of Influence (Mother’s Day)
May 13, 2018Women of Influence (Mother’s Day)Scripture tells us that men have God-given authority as head of the household, while women have been given incredible influence. We will look at women throughout the Bible who have used that gift in their various roles; as wives, mothers, and leaders. Women need to see the great opportunities they have to use their influence, and be aware that with their influence comes great responsibility. "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more." (Luke 12:48)
- May 8, 2016Week 19- Serving Together (1 Chron 6:31-33)
May 8, 2016Week 19- Serving Together (1 Chron 6:31-33)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysWhen the ark of the covenant that represented the presence of God came to rest in Jerusalem; David appointed ministers before the ark. They ministered to the Lord with music and those who served did so “with their sons.” On this Mother’s Day we will look through Scripture at various parents and children (both physical and spiritual) who served the Lord together. Though tension exists, we can minister to the Lord and to people as a family. Neither ‘the family’ nor ‘ministry’ should suffer. Instead, they both can be strengthened at the same time.
- May 10, 2015Week 9- The Virtuous Woman
May 10, 2015Week 9- The Virtuous WomanSeries: Proverbs' WisdomWithin the book of Proverbs we find an essay on different types of women. Solomon gives his sage advice concerning silly women, an adulterous woman laying a snare, contentious wives, and King Lemuel’s essay on the Proverbs 31 ‘Virtuous Woman’. On this Mother’s Day, we spend most of our time celebrating the woman that has “her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, as he praises her.”