Dec 25, 2016
Week 52- Jesus Put on Humanity (Heb 2:6-18)
Series: Around the Bible in 366 Days
The arrival of Jesus Christ in this world as flesh and blood is why we celebrate Christmas. We will explore why Jesus had to have a virgin birth and why He had to become human, coming to us in our likeness. Without Jesus accomplishing this, we would have died in our sins; never being reconciled to God. What a reason to celebrate His first coming and look forward to His coming again!
- Dec 25, 2016Week 52- Jesus Put on Humanity (Heb 2:6-18)
Dec 25, 2016Week 52- Jesus Put on Humanity (Heb 2:6-18)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysThe arrival of Jesus Christ in this world as flesh and blood is why we celebrate Christmas. We will explore why Jesus had to have a virgin birth and why He had to become human, coming to us in our likeness. Without Jesus accomplishing this, we would have died in our sins; never being reconciled to God. What a reason to celebrate His first coming and look forward to His coming again!
- Dec 18, 2016Week 51- Sharing Our Faith = Full Understanding (Philemon 6)
Dec 18, 2016Week 51- Sharing Our Faith = Full Understanding (Philemon 6)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysSharing our faith has everything to do with our being called to a ‘ministry of reconciliation’. When we accept this mantle, and are ACTIVE in this, it opens a door for us that otherwise is only cracked open. In Paul’s letter to Philemon, he writes that his prayer is for him to be active in sharing his faith… so that he will have a FULL understanding of everything that is his in-Christ Jesus. We will explore what that means for us!
- Dec 11, 2016Week 50- Reconciliation = Demonstration + Power (1 Cor 2 & 2 Cor 5)
Dec 11, 2016Week 50- Reconciliation = Demonstration + Power (1 Cor 2 & 2 Cor 5)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysThe Apostle Paul’s message was not one of persuasive words but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power! We have been reconciled to God through Christ Jesus and have become a new creation if we put our faith in Him. This is accomplished through the Spirit’s great power as our actions and words should demonstrate based on our fruit. We have also been given the ‘ministry of reconciliation’ in which God makes His appeal through us. Like Paul, we do not do this with persuasive words but instead with the demonstration of the Spirit’s power!
- Nov 27, 2016Week 48- The Golden Chain (Rom 8:28-30)
- Nov 20, 2016Week 47- Hardships (Acts 14:8-22)
Nov 20, 2016Week 47- Hardships (Acts 14:8-22)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysPaul and Barnabas said, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” Life can be very difficult, but we must rest assure that those very hardships are preparing us. Paul and Barnabas went from desperately trying to stop the people from calling them gods and even sacrificing to them; to the same crowd stoning Paul, dragging him out of the city and leaving him for dead. If anyone can talk of hardships, it would be the Apostle Paul. How can we have peace in the midst of the storm? How does God use our difficult and trying times and our suffering?
- Nov 13, 2016Week 46- Remain (John 15:1-17)
Nov 13, 2016Week 46- Remain (John 15:1-17)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysJesus uses an analogy of a vine, its branches, and the fruit that it bears as relating to our being connected to Him. He also uses the term, ‘remain’ repeatedly. How do we remain in Him? In His love? What does it truly mean to remain? Being connected to the vine brings great joy into our lives and enables us to bear fruit. It is fruit that lasts only when we are attached to the life-giving Source. Apart from Him, we can do nothing!
- Nov 6, 2016Week 45- Luke and the Holy Spirit, Part 2
Nov 6, 2016Week 45- Luke and the Holy Spirit, Part 2Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysWhen we think of Luke’s writings about the Holy Spirit we would generally think of his second volume, the book of Acts. However, the third person of the Godhead is front and center in his gospel account as well. Luke has a special understanding of the power and activity of the Holy Spirit. He shows vividly the Spirit’s involvement before Christ, throughout His incarnate life on earth, and the promise of all those who are thirsty being filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Oct 30, 2016Week 44- Luke and the Holy Spirit, Part 1
Oct 30, 2016Week 44- Luke and the Holy Spirit, Part 1Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysWhen we think of Luke’s writings about the Holy Spirit we would generally think of his second volume, the book of Acts. However, the third person of the Godhead is front and center in his gospel account as well. Luke has a special understanding of the power and activity of the Holy Spirit. He shows vividly the Spirit’s involvement before Christ, throughout His incarnate life on earth, and the promise of all those who are thirsty being filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Oct 23, 2016Week 43- 12 Years to the Day (Mark 5:21-43)
Oct 23, 2016Week 43- 12 Years to the Day (Mark 5:21-43)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysSometimes we don’t understand God’s timing. We know that healing, deliverance, and restoration are ours through Christ Jesus but there are many times when they are not immediate. In fact, God often uses these ailments in our lives to increase our faith and reliance on Him. In Mark chapter 5, we see Jesus’ sovereignty and timing on center stage. The same God who ordered the universe arranged two lives to be radically changed, twelve years in the making.
- Oct 16, 2016Week 42- Spiritual Authority & Faith, Part 2 (Matthew)
Oct 16, 2016Week 42- Spiritual Authority & Faith, Part 2 (Matthew)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysThe second theme that emerges from the pages of Matthew’s gospel is that of faith. Faith is SO IMPORTANT to Jesus! He remarks concerning a person’s or group’s great faith when healing them. He even says that their faith was the reason for their healing or restoration. He rebukes His disciples numerous times because of their lack of faith. This occurs when they do not understand spiritual concepts that they should and it extends even to the reason that they are unable to cast out a spirit from a demon-possessed boy. They have so little faith. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” How can we possess greater faith? How does it go hand-in-hand with spiritual authority?
- Oct 9, 2016Week 41- Spiritual Authority & Faith, Part 1 (Matthew)
Oct 9, 2016Week 41- Spiritual Authority & Faith, Part 1 (Matthew)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysTwo themes really emerge when reading through Matthew’s gospel—authority (we’ll cover in Part 1) and faith (we’ll address in Part 2). Matthew stresses Jesus’ own God-given, God-appointed authority. People were amazed and stunned at this; how Jesus taught, cast out demons, healed the sick, and even nature was subject to His authority! Jesus then delegated this spiritual authority to his twelve disciples; sending them out to do the very things that He himself does. Within the “Great Commission,” Jesus also extends that empowering to every disciple including you and I. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go out and make disciples…” How does spiritual authority go hand-in-hand with our faith?
- Oct 2, 2016Week 40- Extreme Home Makeover (Haggai 1-2)
Oct 2, 2016Week 40- Extreme Home Makeover (Haggai 1-2)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysScripture tells us to give careful thought to our ways. The prophet Haggai was given a word from the Lord to a people who were caught up in comfort and consumerism; living in beautiful houses, while the House of God was left in ruins. How are we self-absorbed and self-focused while the things of God are not taken seriously or thoughtfully? We can easily fall into the “American dream” of having a lot of possessions and conveniences and the busyness of holding it all together. Suddenly, without realizing it we are caring only about our own “house” when God would have us be consumed with zeal for His house!
- Sep 25, 2016Week 39- A Love That Will Never Give Up (Hosea)
Sep 25, 2016Week 39- A Love That Will Never Give Up (Hosea)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysGod uses the metaphor of adultery in a spiritual context throughout Scripture when we turn to other things or people for our comfort, affection, and even salvation. God goes so far as to have the prophet Hosea marry an unfaithful woman, have children with her, and then watch her go into the arms of another man. Why? Because Israel was guilty of adultery in departing from the Lord. It was a demonstration of the anguish that God feels. Wow! Hosea is then told to go to his wife, though she is now with another man, and “love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods.” How are we unfaithful to our Bridegroom? The Lord begs Israel to return to Him and promises that He will “heal their waywardness and love them freely.” That is available to us too!
- Sep 18, 2016Week 38- I Will Not Bow! (Dan 3)
Sep 18, 2016Week 38- I Will Not Bow! (Dan 3)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysWhen most of us were kids, one of the most popular ‘Sunday School’ stories was of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace for not worshiping the golden statue. However, it is much more than just a children’s story. In this world we have many voices telling us to ‘bow down’ with our time and devotion. Many things in our lives are potential gods that are competing for our affection. We will look at three men who will inspire us to not succumb no matter what the threat entails. I will not bow down and make anything or anyone else Lord!
- Sep 11, 2016Week 37- Being Others Focused (Ezekiel 34&37)
Sep 11, 2016Week 37- Being Others Focused (Ezekiel 34&37)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysThe Lord speaks to shepherds in Ezekiel chapter 34 accusing them of only taking care of themselves; not strengthening the weak, healing the sick and bound up, and not bringing back those who have strayed, nor searching for the lost. Part of the blame of the Israelite exile is upon the shepherds of the people. In chapter 37, Ezekiel is taken to the valley of dry bones and asked the impossible, “Can these bones live?” Can that which is already dead, what has already happened, can it be reversed? Can life come from within death? How can we be ‘others focused’ as His sheep and shepherd others? It’s not too late, it’s never too late.
- Sep 4, 2016Week 36- God’s Calling on Your Life (Ezekiel 2-3)
Sep 4, 2016Week 36- God’s Calling on Your Life (Ezekiel 2-3)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysAs we look at the prophet Ezekiel’s calling, we will also examine our own general and specific calling from the Lord. Like Ezekiel, our calling (what God has for us to do) involves people (often rebellious people), fear that we must overcome, the task we are called to, and the realization that we are only accountable for listening to God and doing what he says; not for how people will respond!
- Aug 28, 2016Week 35- Crying Out to God for the Young (Lamentations 2:11-19)
Aug 28, 2016Week 35- Crying Out to God for the Young (Lamentations 2:11-19)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysAs a culture, unfortunately even the church culture, we as a people have lost sight of our spiritual inheritance. Choosing instead to live for ourselves in the moment, we don’t always invest into others who are looking to us. Jeremiah grieves as he sees the children and young around him who are hungry. The hunger goes beyond lack of physical food, there was spiritual need. As there is now. Let us too, arise and cry out to God; pour out our heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Let us lift up the lives of our children to the Lord. Those who are not only “next” but “now.”
- Aug 21, 2016Week 34- The City Where God Has You (Jer 29:1-13) Our 5th Birthday
Aug 21, 2016Week 34- The City Where God Has You (Jer 29:1-13) Our 5th BirthdaySeries: Around the Bible in 366 DaysThe Lord has a plan for you. These plans of His are for you to prosper, give you hope and a future. Smack-dab in the center of those plans involves the city in which God has planted you. Whether it is for a season in life (for the Israelites in Babylon it was to be 70 years) or it may be your city for the rest of your life. Make no mistake about it, where God has you is part of His will for your life. How can we make an impact where we are living? How can we have a heart for our city and bring the light of Christ to those who are in darkness?
- Aug 14, 2016Week 33- Jesus! (Isaiah 52-53)
Aug 14, 2016Week 33- Jesus! (Isaiah 52-53)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysIsaiah is the first book in the section called the Major Prophets. Within its pages are proclamations with incredible detail and great hope of the coming Savior, Jesus! The prophet Isaiah foretells of the Messiah who will come and bring new life through His death. We will examine the prophecies concerning Jesus and their fulfillment in the New Testament. Let us celebrate Jesus; His life, death, and glorious resurrection. Jesus, our Immanuel!
- Aug 7, 2016Week 32- Here I Am…Send Me (Isaiah 6:1-8)
Aug 7, 2016Week 32- Here I Am…Send Me (Isaiah 6:1-8)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysIsaiah saw a vision of The Lord seated on His throne with the heavenly hosts worshiping Him in vast array. Isaiah, shaken to his core, responded in two very significant ways. First, he was painfully aware that he was a man of unclean lips; his words were not set apart to God—that mattered greatly. He cried out to be cleansed! Second, Isaiah answered the call to serve his Lord. When asked, “Who will go?” Isaiah replied, “Here I am, send me!” How will you and I respond upon seeing Jesus on the throne of our life?
- Jul 31, 2016Week 31- When Times are Good; When Times are Bad (Eccl 7-8)
Jul 31, 2016Week 31- When Times are Good; When Times are Bad (Eccl 7-8)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysThe book of Ecclesiastes gives a helpful insight into the wisdom of Solomon. Not only was it Holy Spirit inspired wisdom, but it was also informed by a life of experience where he tried many pleasures, vices, and longings. Why do the righteous get what the wicked deserve? Why are there times that are bad, even when we serve God to the best of our ability? How can I please the Lord AND enjoy my life while living it? Can we ever figure out why things happen the way they do? We must start enjoying our lives and enjoying our Lord regardless of circumstances!
- Jul 24, 2016Week 30- 4G Discipleship (Special)
- Jul 17, 2016Week 29- You Know My Anxious Thoughts (Psalm 139)
Jul 17, 2016Week 29- You Know My Anxious Thoughts (Psalm 139)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysScripture implores us to not be anxious about anything. Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. When we feel a surge of anxiety, it is in direct relation and proportion to our thoughts and our trust. Psalm 139 says that God knows our anxious thoughts. We were wonderfully created by Him and He knows us better than we know ourselves. We will address our thought life, our trust in God, as well as the trap we often fall into of worry, stress, and anxiety. There IS a way out!
- Jul 10, 2016Week 28- As Far as the East from the West (Psalm 103)
Jul 10, 2016Week 28- As Far as the East from the West (Psalm 103)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysMan’s continual fight with sin brings us face to face with the glorious gospel. Our God does not treat us as our sins deserve; His love is great for those who are in awe of Him. The Psalm we are letting pour over us this week declares that when we are forgiven; our sin is “as far as the east is from the west.” What an amazing and comforting promise. Also that God, in His compassion, remembers that we are but human beings. We’ll look at the human condition—sin and what we have in God through His Son, Jesus—forgiveness, pardon, and freedom!
- Jul 3, 2016Week 27- When God is Silent (Psalm 77)
Jul 3, 2016Week 27- When God is Silent (Psalm 77)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysWe all feel like sometimes God is a million miles away. During these times we ask the following questions: Why doesn’t He rescue us? Why are we allowed to continue to suffer? Why doesn’t He hear our prayers, our pleas? Why can we not hear Him? Why doesn’t He speak? The psalmist, Asaph gives us great insight in Psalm 77 as to what he brings to mind in times like this. The meditation of our heart on who God is and what He has done keeps us motivated to continue to trust Him!
- Jun 26, 2016Week 26- The Fear of The Lord (Psalm 34)
Jun 26, 2016Week 26- The Fear of The Lord (Psalm 34)By: Robert WilliamsSeries: Around the Bible in 366 DaysIn Psalm 34 David gives praise and thanks to God for delivering him from his enemies. He attributes his favor with God and success as a leader to "The Fear of the Lord" He gives many instructions as to what the fear of the Lord is and how it manifests in a believer's life.
- Jun 19, 2016Week 25- God Our Father (Psalm 23)
Jun 19, 2016Week 25- God Our Father (Psalm 23)Series: Around the Bible in 366 DaysOn this Father’s Day, we celebrate our heavenly Father and embrace His role in our lives! One of the best pictures of His active presence engaged in our daily lives is in the 23rd Psalm. David intimately and passionately reveals ways that the Lord is our Shepherd and how that affects us. Great imagery because we are sheep in need of direction, hope, and love. Let the details of this very familiar Psalm create new life in you as we look to the Lord directing every aspect of our lives as His children.