May 10, 2015
Week 9- The Virtuous Woman
Series: Proverbs' Wisdom

Within the book of Proverbs we find an essay on different types of women. Solomon gives his sage advice concerning silly women, an adulterous woman laying a snare, contentious wives, and King Lemuel’s essay on the Proverbs 31 ‘Virtuous Woman’. On this Mother’s Day, we spend most of our time celebrating the woman that has “her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, as he praises her.”
- May 10, 2015Week 9- The Virtuous Woman
May 10, 2015Week 9- The Virtuous WomanSeries: Proverbs' WisdomWithin the book of Proverbs we find an essay on different types of women. Solomon gives his sage advice concerning silly women, an adulterous woman laying a snare, contentious wives, and King Lemuel’s essay on the Proverbs 31 ‘Virtuous Woman’. On this Mother’s Day, we spend most of our time celebrating the woman that has “her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, as he praises her.”
- Apr 26, 2015Week 8- Money
Apr 26, 2015Week 8- MoneySeries: Proverbs' WisdomOne of the most often misquoted Scriptures is “Money is the root of all evil”. The Apostle Paul actually writes that it is “the love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10). Money is not evil. God gifts us and graces us with the ability to make money and provide for ourselves and our family. It’s what we do with money and what it does with us that we need to look at. The book of Proverbs offers much advice in this area.
- Apr 19, 2015Week 7- Peer Pressure
Apr 19, 2015Week 7- Peer PressureSeries: Proverbs' WisdomThere is no doubt that every society suffers from the phenomena called 'peer pressure'. Peer Pressure can be defined as "The social influence a peer group exerts on its individual members, as each member attempts to conform to the expectations of the group." The important word in this definition is 'influence' and the phrase 'conform to the expectations'. People have gone to extremes to fit in with their peers and even though we typically view 'peer pressure' as a teen problem adults are not exempt. In this message we will be examining peer pressure through the wise words of Solomon and learn how we can avoid becoming its victim.
- Apr 12, 2015Week 6- Vision
Apr 12, 2015Week 6- VisionSeries: Proverbs' Wisdom‘Vision’ occurs when God gives you a glimpse of your purpose. To receive His vision God must communicate. In order for God to communicate, we must listen and hear his voice. The first part of Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no revelation (or vision), people cast off restraint.” Without a glimpse of who we are in Jesus; without a plan of some sort of how we can better serve and honor him; we find ourselves casting off restraint. Without vision we can’t hold ourselves in check; we do not remain motivated; we have no constraint in our feelings, behavior, etc.; we do not fulfill our purpose.
- Mar 29, 2015Week 5- Gossip
Mar 29, 2015Week 5- GossipSeries: Proverbs' WisdomThe words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts. (Prov 18:8). The same way we “can’t eat just one” according to the Lays potato chips commercial; gossip has a very addictive quality to it. We want to tell or hear something juicy about someone else. Why is this appetizing to us? What causes us to hate it when others do it, but not readily recognize it when we are engaged in gossip ourselves? Do relationships matter to you? They certainly do to God!
- Mar 22, 2015Week 4- Trials
Mar 22, 2015Week 4- TrialsSeries: Proverbs' WisdomIn James 1:2 we read the baffling statement that we are to be thankful, even joyous, when we encounter and go into trials. The book of Proverbs contains great gems of wisdom regarding trials and their purpose for the righteous man. In this message we will explore some of these wise words of Solomon and hopefully gain perspective for ourselves as we walk through trials which are indeed both an inevitable and vital part of our journey to perfecting our faith.
- Mar 15, 2015Week 3- Conflict
Mar 15, 2015Week 3- ConflictSeries: Proverbs' WisdomOur desire to be right or to win is often sinful. Conflict between two people, ideas, or objects is defined as a collision. How do we navigate these clashes in our lives? They are unable to be avoided and even necessary. Jesus said we would have offense and opposition. How we deal with conflict can truly honor God and save relationships. The book of Proverbs gives us wisdom towards this end.
- Mar 8, 2015Week 2- Marriage
Mar 8, 2015Week 2- MarriageSeries: Proverbs' WisdomScripture tells us that Solomon was the wisest man that has ever lived. Yet, this incredibly wise man made some very poor decisions when it came to women. He had many wives and concubines which went against what God taught. Yet, for all these mistakes he still experienced marriage and many of the proverbs give us insight into what he learned about being married. In this message we will examine some of Solomon's proverbs about marriage and pull timeless truths for us today.
- Mar 1, 2015Week 1- Our Tongue
Mar 1, 2015Week 1- Our TongueSeries: Proverbs' WisdomThe most destructive weapon on the face of this earth can often be our very own tongue! With our words we can bless and we can curse. Whoever said that “sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words can never hurt me.” was delusional, lying, or at best- wishful thinking. The book of Proverbs speaks a lot about this power that is in the human tongue.