Sep 30, 2018
Week 7- Wrestling with God
Series: Finding Success in Prayer

- Sep 30, 2018Week 7- Wrestling with God
Sep 30, 2018Week 7- Wrestling with GodSeries: Finding Success in Prayer
Do you want to know Jesus in a more vibrant way? Do you want your prayers to be life giving and transformative? Of course you do! We must wrestle. Wrestle with who He is and what His word says. Wrestle with who we are, what we are going through, and what He is doing in us through it. Prayer is a wrestling match in which we should not tap out!
- Sep 23, 2018Week 6- Hearing the Voice of God
Sep 23, 2018Week 6- Hearing the Voice of GodSeries: Finding Success in Prayer
Pastor Buddy Walker leads Empower School of Discipleship, one of the mission's organizations we support. Buddy gives many anecdotes about hearing from the Lord. He also gives helpful ways to train ourselves to better hear from God.
- Sep 16, 2018Week 5- Prayer or Fellowship
Sep 16, 2018Week 5- Prayer or FellowshipSeries: Finding Success in Prayer
"Pray until you touch Heaven and keep praying until Heaven touches you." –unknown When we are in communication with God; speaking to Him and hearing His voice, we experience Him. What does it mean to wait on the Lord? To seek His face? Why is prayer so important?
- Sep 9, 2018Week 4- Praying in the Spirit
Sep 9, 2018Week 4- Praying in the SpiritSeries: Finding Success in Prayer
A special time of the Lord ministering. Bev Conner gives her testimony on figuring God out and receiving a heavenly prayer language as someone who wasn't established in church prior to that. Pastor Shawn then briefly talks about the Holy Spirit giving a prayer language (tongues) as both a 'grace' and a 'gift.'
- Sep 2, 2018Week 3- Teach Us to Pray- Part 2
Sep 2, 2018Week 3- Teach Us to Pray- Part 2Series: Finding Success in Prayer
In Part 2, we observe the dynamics of the prayer lives of others in Scripture. They not only influenced their situations and surroundings, but they also give helpful insight to how we too can experience impactful prayer lives.
- Aug 26, 2018Week 2- Teach Us to Pray- Part 1
Aug 26, 2018Week 2- Teach Us to Pray- Part 1Series: Finding Success in Prayer
The disciples observed Jesus’ prayer life. They saw something that was incredibly life-giving and wanted it as well. They saw the connection between the time He set aside to be with the Father and His incredible source of strength, ability, compassion, and power. They asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray.” We will examine how Jesus’ words, actions, and life taught us to pray.
- Aug 19, 2018Week 1- Why is it So Hard to Pray?
Aug 19, 2018Week 1- Why is it So Hard to Pray?Series: Finding Success in Prayer
Prayer is the most difficult for our flesh to do because it is the most spiritual thing we can do. Don’t you want to be successful in your prayer life? Don’t you want to bask in His presence, know that your burdens are being lifted and hear His voice regularly? Yeah, me too! We start this series with first examining what we are up against and what we must do to make prayer a priority and thus vibrant.