Oct 19, 2014
Week 54- The Overarching Purpose of God (Acts 28:17-30)
Series: Acts of the Sent Ones
Everything led up to this. Paul’s citizenship, his missionary journeys, his imprisonment; everything led up to Paul reaching Rome, the epicenter of the Gentile world. God was the master architect orchestrating Paul being on mission for Him. God isn’t just concerned with one man, but all men; that they may know Him. Everything and everyone is interconnected. God desires to use each of us in such a way. The moment in time we were born, the location we live in, the experiences that we encounter, even wrong decisions are not wasted with our God. A tragedy like the Jew’s rejection of the Messiah, God used to help enable the Gentiles to be grafted in to God’s people. He is constantly at work!
- Oct 19, 2014Week 54- The Overarching Purpose of God (Acts 28:17-30)
Oct 19, 2014Week 54- The Overarching Purpose of God (Acts 28:17-30)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesEverything led up to this. Paul’s citizenship, his missionary journeys, his imprisonment; everything led up to Paul reaching Rome, the epicenter of the Gentile world. God was the master architect orchestrating Paul being on mission for Him. God isn’t just concerned with one man, but all men; that they may know Him. Everything and everyone is interconnected. God desires to use each of us in such a way. The moment in time we were born, the location we live in, the experiences that we encounter, even wrong decisions are not wasted with our God. A tragedy like the Jew’s rejection of the Messiah, God used to help enable the Gentiles to be grafted in to God’s people. He is constantly at work!
- Oct 5, 2014Week 53- The Promise of Healing (Acts 28:1-11)
Oct 5, 2014Week 53- The Promise of Healing (Acts 28:1-11)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesThe book of Acts contains some powerful stories of miraculous healings. If we are honest we will look at these scriptures and then look at our reality and see that these healings don't appear to be happening today as much as they did then. It is a good question to ask 'why'? In this message we will talk about the promise of healing and corporately we will ask God to forgive us and shake up our faith when it comes to healing of the physically and spiritually sick among us in the church and in the community.
- Sep 28, 2014Week 52- Finding Peace and Meaning in the Storms of Life (Acts 27:1-44)
Sep 28, 2014Week 52- Finding Peace and Meaning in the Storms of Life (Acts 27:1-44)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesIn an account that sounds like a story from some great novel we read 44 action packed verses about the story of the fated ship Paul is sailing and which is finally wrecked on a reef on Malta. In the story we read this storm was huge and went on for days and days. Men were afraid for their lives yet through it all Paul knew he was going to live because an Angel of the Lord had told him he was going to face Caesar. Can you imagine, however, how hard that must have been to continue to believe with the creaking and groaning timbers of the boat straining to hold together as the waves and wind assaulted them and huge waves constantly tried to capsize them? As seasoned sailors fought to keep the ship afloat, fear filling their eyes?
We have all heard the metaphor of the 'storms of life.' Similar to the actual storm Paul endured, these storms can go on for days, weeks and sometimes months and years. Long periods of times where waves and strong winds seem to be trying to destroy us. In this message we will examine the Bible to see how we can be like Paul and have the confidence to weather these 'storms of life' regardless of how long or frightening they may be. - Sep 21, 2014Week 51- Sharing Your Testimony (Acts 21:17- Acts 26)
Sep 21, 2014Week 51- Sharing Your Testimony (Acts 21:17- Acts 26)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesThe Apostle Paul is brought to trial in a long narrative found in Acts 21:17- Acts 26. We see how Paul stands up boldly for his faith in Christ and in Jesus’ resurrection. We also read how he recants his testimony of how he met Jesus, was radically saved and called to be a herald to the Gentiles. Though most of us do not have a past like Paul’s, killing and imprisoning Christians; we do all have a story to tell of how we too met Jesus and were redeemed by His grace. How can I share my testimony? How do we make sure that God gets all of the glory for His rescue?
- Sep 14, 2014Week 50- Knowing and Obeying the Will of God (Acts 21:1-15)
Sep 14, 2014Week 50- Knowing and Obeying the Will of God (Acts 21:1-15)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesMost Christians will tell you they want to obey the will of God. We love to say, "I want to do what God wants me to do." It sounds good doesn't it? The problem is most of us say that phrase with two fingers crossed behind our backs. In this account in Acts Paul get some bad news from a prophet about what fate awaited him in Jerusalem. In the face of much pleading by his fellow travelers and believers for him to not keep his plans to go to Jerusalem he decided to go regardless of the danger. Luke ends the story by saying those who were trying to get Paul not to go gave up trying to persuade him by simply stating, "The will of the Lord be done!" It was a statement that they identified that it was God's will that Paul go to Jerusalem and they yielded to that will. In this message we will examine the concept of yielding to the will of God through faithful obedience and trust.
- Sep 7, 2014Week 49- Why So Serious? (Acts 20:22-38)
Sep 7, 2014Week 49- Why So Serious? (Acts 20:22-38)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesPaul shows us just how dedicated and sold-out he is to His Lord. He considers his life outside of Christ as nothing, gladly being imprisoned and beaten for the sake of Jesus who suffered for him. Paul’s only desire is to finish the race and complete the task given to him that of testifying of the good news of God’s grace. Living for Christ Jesus is serious business, something that we at times take too lightly. Thank God for the example of Paul’s commitment, sacrifice, and attitude to urge us on in our own race!
- Aug 31, 2014Week 48- How We Do Church (Acts 20:1-21)
Aug 31, 2014Week 48- How We Do Church (Acts 20:1-21)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesPaul sent for the elders of the church at Ephesus to say goodbye to them, encourage them and charge them as shepherds since he knew his time was approaching the end. He gave them instructions as overseers of the flock. Paul also reminded them that he has not hesitated to teach publicly (in the temple and temple colonnade) and from house to house. We are passionate about both arenas as well, especially our Life Groups at CWP. We are not a church with life groups; we are a church of life groups…It’s how we do church! Real discipleship and life change happens in these smaller gatherings. Our vision for every Life Group is to have three dimensions. We will look at those three together.
- Aug 24, 2014Week 47- The Kingdom, the People of God, in the City (Acts 19:23-40)
Aug 24, 2014Week 47- The Kingdom, the People of God, in the City (Acts 19:23-40)Series: Acts of the Sent Ones
- Aug 17, 2014Week 46- The Holy Spirit Experience (Acts 19:1-22)
Aug 17, 2014Week 46- The Holy Spirit Experience (Acts 19:1-22)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesIn Ephesus, Paul asked some disciples, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed (or translated, after you believed)?” Every Christian born of the Spirit “has” the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, there is a second general experience with the Holy Spirit, the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” which is not simultaneous with birth in the Spirit but subsequent to it. Paul placed his hands on them and they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (#6 of 6 occurrences in the book of Acts). We will take a look at what the Spirit’s baptism provides for a believer. For two years Paul spoke and it says, “so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” God did extraordinary miracles through Paul; handkerchiefs and aprons that touched him were brought to the sick and they were made well and evil spirits left them!
- Aug 10, 2014Week 45- Apollos: Teacher & Student (Acts 18:1-28)
Aug 10, 2014Week 45- Apollos: Teacher & Student (Acts 18:1-28)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesIn Acts 18:24 we are introduced in the narrative to the person of Apollos. He was a Jew. A native of Alexandria who was an educated man and a man of considerable oratory gifts. He was preaching the 'way of the Lord' but apparently (vs. 25) he was still lacking some knowledge or truth. That is when Priscilla and Aquila came into play. They invited him to their home and taught him those things he was lacking. What we see here is someone what was a powerful and learned man who humbly accepted teaching from two individuals who were probably not as learned as he was. We are call to both teach and to be taught. In this message we are going to look the Godly qualities of being both a student and a teacher and why we all need to be both.
- Aug 3, 2014Week 44- Using what you Have (Acts 17:16-34)
Aug 3, 2014Week 44- Using what you Have (Acts 17:16-34)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesThe Apostle Paul ministered to the Areopagus in Athens in a powerful way. He used what they were already familiar with; pointing to inscriptions on objects of their idol worship and quoting their own poets. This he did to springboard proclamation of the gospel and introduction of THE one true God. Similarly, Jesus pointed to various objects or people that they could see to convey His intended message (such as a tree, birds, grass; a profession or pointing to an individual who gave all they had). These starting points, just as Paul had utilized in our passage from Acts 17; gave Jesus context with people. God enables us to use what people are familiar with to create a launch pad for God’s story in their life! Are you using what you already have?
- Jul 20, 2014Week 43- Eagerly Receiving the Word of God (Acts 17:1-15)
- Jul 13, 2014Week 42- The Midnight Hour (Acts 16:16-40)
Jul 13, 2014Week 42- The Midnight Hour (Acts 16:16-40)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesAfter having been stripped, beaten, severely flogged, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison. There they were in an inner cell, their feet fastened in stocks, guarded carefully. The passage says, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” At their “midnight hour,” their darkest, bloodiest, hardest, time; they prayed and they sang to God! They could have been angry at Him; after all, doing “His ministry” is what caused all of the persecution they were enduring! Instead, they experienced joy and comfort. What’s more, they encountered freedom! We will look at facing our “midnight hours” with the joy of the Lord and how we too can experience breakthroughs!
- Jul 6, 2014Week 41- Being Led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6-15)
Jul 6, 2014Week 41- Being Led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6-15)By: Robert WilliamsSeries: Acts of the Sent OnesWould you rather go on a rugged, outdoor adventure with only a map and a few primitive tools? OR would you trust an experienced, knowledgeable guide who knew all of the territory, obstacles, and special features? The Holy Spirit was promised by Jesus, "to guide you into all the truth". Listen as we discuss how to be "led by the Spirit".
- Jun 22, 2014Week 40- Bringing Glory to God in Christian Conflict (Acts 15:36-16:1-5)
Jun 22, 2014Week 40- Bringing Glory to God in Christian Conflict (Acts 15:36-16:1-5)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesWhen disagreements between the disciples of Jesus Christ happen (and they will) there are two distinct outcomes: Either God will be glorified or God will be shamed. In this account of the dispute between Paul and Barnabas we see God's purpose come out of what appears on the surface to be a bad situation. In this message we will examine Christian conflict and how, when handled in a Godly way, can bring glory to God.
- Jun 15, 2014Week 39- Don’t Make it Difficult (Acts 15:1-35)
Jun 15, 2014Week 39- Don’t Make it Difficult (Acts 15:1-35)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesThe Holy Spirit draws people to God. He gives Christians the ministry of reconciliation as vehicles in this process. As such, we are a part of a means to an end; many turning to God, by His grace through our faith. However, when the means gets in the way of the end, we make it difficult to turn to God. What are ways that we “put on the necks of disciples a yoke that they are unable to bear?” As fishers of men, how are we possibly trying to clean the fish before God enables us to catch them? God does indeed desire that we be set apart and different from the world we live in once we turn to Him. Our task at the onset is to make sure that God is the one that initiates that transformation and that we do not hinder that glorious work by making it difficult to turn to Him.
- Jun 8, 2014Week 38- Appointing Leaders (Acts 14:21-28) (Ordination Sunday)
Jun 8, 2014Week 38- Appointing Leaders (Acts 14:21-28) (Ordination Sunday)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesThe strengthening of disciples and the encouragement to stay true to the faith, going into all the world, as well as building local churches; necessitates the appointing of leaders. These leaders, which we will primarily look at are elders, are always plural in Scripture. Elders have the God-given task of caring for the souls given under their care. We will look at the role those have to whom God has called to lead. We will also challenge, ordain, and pray over several local leaders commissioning them and releasing them into their gospel calling.
- May 25, 2014Week 37- In the Place of . . . (Acts 14:1-20)
May 25, 2014Week 37- In the Place of . . . (Acts 14:1-20)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesThere is something that was build deep into the heart of man that gives him a deep desire to worship God. When God is not present inside of someone they desire to worship someone else or something else. In this account in Acts we see this desire to worship come out in the people of Lystra. Is God truly the one we worship or do we allow other things or people to share that worship that is only supposed to be for God?
- May 18, 2014Week 36- Honoring the Word of the Lord (Acts 13:36-52)
May 18, 2014Week 36- Honoring the Word of the Lord (Acts 13:36-52)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesPaul and Barnabas proclaimed the good news of Jesus, urged the people to continue in the grace of God, and gathered the whole city together to hear the word of the Lord. The Jews rejected it and Paul announced that they now will turn to the Gentiles. Verse 48 says, “When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord.” How did they “honor” the Word? How do we? Do our lives and our choices show honor or dishonor to God’s Word?
- May 11, 2014Week 35- Serving God’s Purpose – Acts 13:13-36
May 11, 2014Week 35- Serving God’s Purpose – Acts 13:13-36Series: Acts of the Sent OnesWe are all called to serve God’s purpose in our generation. Part of that purpose is assuring a Godly linage. As the Apostle Paul unfolds the Gospel story in the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch, he does so by addressing those who paved the way for Jesus. We serve the same purpose as mothers, fathers, teachers, workers, and friends. In 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, Paul speaks of his and his companions’ role among people: “we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”
- May 4, 2014Week 34- Gospel Blindness (Acts 13:6-12)
May 4, 2014Week 34- Gospel Blindness (Acts 13:6-12)Series: Acts of the Sent Ones"But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith." This account in the book of Acts finds Paul, Barnabas and John in a city called Seleucia and faced with direct opposition to the gospel. How did Paul respond? He responded with boldness and authority but all which was provided by the Holy Spirit within him. How do we approach the challenges to the gospel? Do we back away or do we stand firm? In this message we will explore how God wishes us to respond when what we believe is challenged.
- Apr 27, 2014Week 33- Separate Unto Me (Acts 13:1-3)
Apr 27, 2014Week 33- Separate Unto Me (Acts 13:1-3)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesWhat does it mean to be an 'Antioch Church'? In Acts 13:1-3 we are introduced to a the Antioch Church and from this passage of scripture, one of the missioaries we support, Pastor Buddy Walker shows the characteristics of this church and encourages all of us to be missionaries for Jesus Christ.
- Apr 13, 2014Week 32- Praise to the King of Kings (Acts 12:19-25)
Apr 13, 2014Week 32- Praise to the King of Kings (Acts 12:19-25)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesThe chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever! In our text, Herod, wearing his royal robes, sitting on his throne, and being called a god by the people was struck down by the Lord for not giving praise to God. Our lives self-destruct when we take for our glory, that which is due Him. On this Palm Sunday we will also look at the triumphant entry of Jesus to the praises of “Hosanna, Hosanna!”. Praises that were short-lived. Are we praising Him continually or have ours had an expiration date also?
- Apr 6, 2014Week 31- God Rescues Us (Acts 12:1-19)
Apr 6, 2014Week 31- God Rescues Us (Acts 12:1-19)Series: Acts of the Sent Ones"Quick, Get Up" Peter heard these words from an angel as he sat between two soldiers, shackled and confined...a prisoner. God does indeed rescue us out of some amazing difficulties, some of our own making and some by the hands of others. In this message we will explore just how God is a God that rescues His people from both literal and more often, figurative prisons.
- Mar 30, 2014Week 30- Evidence of Grace Part 2 (Acts 11:19-30)
Mar 30, 2014Week 30- Evidence of Grace Part 2 (Acts 11:19-30)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesGrace is the whole of God’s activity toward man. This is unearned and unmerited by man. He cannot achieve a higher status with God, nor can he earn this divine transformation. However, as we talked about last week; ‘grace’ is the divine influence upon the heart, AND it’s reflection in the life of man that grace is bestowed upon. When Barnabas arrived in Antioch he “saw the evidence of the grace of God.” How do we reconcile that grace is imparted through faith and not works, yet we were “created for good works” and that “we would know them by their fruits”? There is a divine tension between God’s part and our part. Finding the right balance is the difference between legalism and “sloppy agape” lawlessness.
- Mar 23, 2014Week 29- Evidence of Grace- Part 1 (Acts 11)
Mar 23, 2014Week 29- Evidence of Grace- Part 1 (Acts 11)Series: Acts of the Sent OnesWhen Barnabas arrived in Antioch he “saw the evidence of the grace of God.” What is God’s grace? What is the evidence that can be seen? What does the evidence of grace look like in a believer’s life? The disciples, it is said, were also first called “Christians” in Antioch. What would cause others to look at a group of people and call them “followers of Christ”? Is there evidence in our life?
- Mar 16, 2014Week 28- Free to Eat, Wise to Choose (Acts 10)
Mar 16, 2014Week 28- Free to Eat, Wise to Choose (Acts 10)By: Robert WilliamsSeries: Acts of the Sent OnesGod's word has much to say about what kind of food He intended us to eat. From Genesis through Paul's writings, we see evidence that God cares about how we care for our body. Follow along as we discuss a Biblical view of diet and nutrition.