- May 12, 2013Week 63- That’s None of Your Business (John 21:18-25)
May 12, 2013Week 63- That’s None of Your Business (John 21:18-25)Series: Conversations with JohnJesus just reinstated Peter and reaffirmed (three times) what He wanted Peter to do out of his love for Christ. Jesus then gives Peter insight as to what kind of death Peter would suffer to glorify God. He then simply says once again, “Follow me”. Peter becomes distracted and questions Jesus concerning the Apostle John. “What about him?” Jesus gives one last crucial lesson of discipleship-- it’s none of your business! As a disciple of Christ, we must follow Jesus, regardless of what others do or don’t do. We can not be concerned with the state or reward of someone else. We are only responsible for ourselves. And we must follow Jesus! This brings us to the conclusion of Conversations with John.
- May 5, 2013Week 62- Our God of Second Chances (John 21:15-17)
May 5, 2013Week 62- Our God of Second Chances (John 21:15-17)Series: Conversations with JohnJesus restores Peter and instructs him to feed His sheep. Peter is a huge component (or rock) in which the Church is built. Jesus asks him three different times if Peter loved him. We will look at what love is and see how Peter answered Jesus by actually choosing a different word for love in his response. We will then as a church celebrate the blessed union of Paul and Bonnie in matrimony.
- Apr 28, 2013Week 61- What a Fish Story (John 21:1-17)
Apr 28, 2013Week 61- What a Fish Story (John 21:1-17)Series: Conversations with JohnEarly on in Jesus’ ministry he called several fishermen to follow him. He promised that He would give them a new identity and new purpose. They would become fishers of men. Now that Jesus had been crucified and resurrected, the apostles went back to their old profession. Jesus, through the miraculous catch of fish not only reminded them of His provision and his direction; He also reminded them of the call that he has placed on their life. There is still a King, and He still has a Kingdom, and they still have a role. Jesus gives us strategy and discernment where we should cast our net. We must trust in His voice and be obedient when He says “try again” or “throw your net on this side”. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
- Apr 21, 2013Week 60- No Doubt About It (John 20-24-31)
Apr 21, 2013Week 60- No Doubt About It (John 20-24-31)Series: Conversations with JohnThe disciple Thomas has become known as 'Doubting Thomas' because of this account in John. We are quick to criticize Thomas for not believing the resurrection of Jesus Christ but in reality if we had been in his shoes would we have readily believed or would we have our doubts. The reality we all have to come to the moment Thomas did and believe that Jesus is truly the risen Savior. What proof are you waiting for before you will believe that Jesus can deliver you from sin, from addictions, from the life YOU have made for yourself?
- Apr 7, 2013Week 59- Equipped with His Active Presence (John 20:19-23)
Apr 7, 2013Week 59- Equipped with His Active Presence (John 20:19-23)Series: Conversations with JohnJesus meets with His disciples and gives them His marching orders. Jesus then breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” He still wants to clothe us with power from on high to be His witnesses. Just as Jesus was sent to the world to glorify the Father, we are sent into the world equipped with His active presence, the Holy Spirit, to penetrate our world with the gospel proclamation and demonstration. His Spirit is breathed into us to awaken us from the dead.
- Mar 31, 2013Week 58- Alive! (John 20:1-18)
Mar 31, 2013Week 58- Alive! (John 20:1-18)Series: Conversations with JohnWe will discuss two important questions:
1) Did Jesus really have to die?
2) Did Jesus need to rise from the dead for Christianity to be true? - Mar 24, 2013Week 57- The Crucifixion (John 19:16-42)
Mar 24, 2013Week 57- The Crucifixion (John 19:16-42)By: Robert WilliamsSeries: Conversations with JohnA meditation on the passion of Christ, with scriptures from Old and New Testament, pictures, and narrative describing the physical torture that Christ endured for our sin.
- Mar 17, 2013Week 56- The Beloved Disciple (John 19:17-27)
Mar 17, 2013Week 56- The Beloved Disciple (John 19:17-27)Series: Conversations with JohnScott interviewing Rebecca
- Mar 10, 2013Week 55- All Hail King Jesus (John 18:28-19:16)
Mar 10, 2013Week 55- All Hail King Jesus (John 18:28-19:16)Series: Conversations with JohnBefore Jesus’ crucifixion He was tried in court. First, in the religious court of the Sanhedrin before Caiaphas (Matt 26) Jesus remained silent until he was asked if he was the Christ (the King), to which Jesus replied it is as you say. His fight was not a religious fight. Second in the governmental court before Pilate (the governor). Pilate asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus said yes- it is as you say. Jesus came to install a government over His people, not a religion. The phrase, ‘Kingdom of God/Heaven’ in Scripture is a dynamic concept—it means the action of God’s rule, more than the realm or place of God’s rule. Jesus said, ‘If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you’ (Matt 12:28). He didn't say a religion has arrived. “For this purpose the Son of God appeared, that He might destroy the works of the evil one” (1 John 3:8) The Kingdom of God in Scripture is not an idea; it is an event, an intervention of God in human history. What is our role in bringing His Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven?
- Feb 24, 2013Week 54- The Ups and Downs of Peter (John 18:1-27)
Feb 24, 2013Week 54- The Ups and Downs of Peter (John 18:1-27)Series: Conversations with JohnWe look at the arrest of Jesus after Judas betrayed him; handing him over to the chief priests, Pharisees, and soldiers. Here we see Peter, the only disciple mentioned to be brave enough to defend Jesus. Peter, one man, drew his sword against possibly a hundred or more. This same Peter would soon deny his master three times. The same Peter that was willing to die in Gethsemane with a sword in hand against a detachment of soldiers with weapons? The same Peter who preached boldly later at Pentecost bringing 3,000 converts into the kingdom of God? One in the same. Peter is a disciple that we see a lot in common with. He had many ups and downs.
- Feb 17, 2013Week 53- Perfect Unity (John 17)
Feb 17, 2013Week 53- Perfect Unity (John 17)Series: Conversations with JohnIn John 17 Jesus is praying to the Father. He was praying to the Father together with the disciples with him. In this beautiful prayer he says some amazing words but there is one theme that jumps out within his prayer and that is the unity of the disciples as a witness to the world. It was almost as if Jesus knew the church would struggle with unity as it grew. In the message on Sunday we will talk about the concept of 'perfect unity' as it relates to us as believers.
- Feb 10, 2013Week 52- Asking and Believing (John 16:17-33)
Feb 10, 2013Week 52- Asking and Believing (John 16:17-33)Series: Conversations with JohnIn John 16 verse 23 and 24 Jesus makes a promise to the disciples that if they were to ask anything of the Father in his name they would receive it. Is this an equation or a promise? In this message Pastor Scott talks about the role of prayer in the early church and how the Church at Whistling Pines is poised to make a significant change towards being a praying church that ushers in the power of the Holy Spirit through corporate prayer.
- Feb 3, 2013Week 51- Meet The Holy Spirit (John 16:5-16)
Feb 3, 2013Week 51- Meet The Holy Spirit (John 16:5-16)Series: Conversations with JohnWe need to get to know intimately the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit possesses the characteristics of a Person. He is not just some active force or abstract or metaphysical idea. We will look at these characteristics and especially focus on His convicting and convincing the world of guilt, righteousness, and judgment.
- Jan 20, 2013Week 50- The World Loves Me Not (John 15:16-16:4)
Jan 20, 2013Week 50- The World Loves Me Not (John 15:16-16:4)Series: Conversations with JohnOur world and society has increasingly grown hostile toward God and the gospel. If we belong to the world, the world will love us as its own. But because we belong to Jesus, our world system hates us, because they first hated Him. Many who have gone before us have experienced persecution, even if we have not. Jesus warns His followers to expect the same. We should too. We also have a mandate to testify to our world, just as the Holy Spirit was sent to testify of Jesus.
- Jan 13, 2013Week 49- Remain in Me (John 15:1-17)
Jan 13, 2013Week 49- Remain in Me (John 15:1-17)Series: Conversations with JohnJesus tells His disciples to Remain in Me in John 15:1-15. What does that mean? In this message Pastor Scott addresses the concept of 'Remaining in Jesus' and discusses how we can remain in Jesus through allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through us and follow the correct use of the spiritual disciplines.
- Jan 6, 2013Week 48- Greater Things Than These (John 14-12-31)
Jan 6, 2013Week 48- Greater Things Than These (John 14-12-31)Series: Conversations with JohnJesus said that the very things that He did on this earth, His disciples would also do. In fact, He followed that by describing what we are capable of doing as “greater things than these.” We will talk about the reasons for this happening given within the text. One of our mandates in Scripture and also one of our “Circles of Discipleship” for The Church at Whistling Pines is to “Get Going”. Within this, we have the promise that Jesus will not leave us orphans but instead has sent us the Holy Spirit, the very active presence of God in our world to not only teach us, but to do the work. We will also talk about a few easy and practical things we can do to “Get Going”. Our legacy is to do what Jesus did; even greater things than these!
- Dec 23, 2012Week 47- Jesus is Born (John 14:5-11)
Dec 23, 2012Week 47- Jesus is Born (John 14:5-11)Series: Conversations with JohnThe birth into human history of the Way, the Truth, and the Life is why we celebrate Christmas. We will look at the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully man and still fully God. We will also examine why the virgin birth is especially crucial in connection with the person of Jesus Christ, it is a non-negotiable. Jesus took on human flesh to be our substitute and mediator; essential for our eternal salvation and the power of the gospel ongoing in our lives.
- Dec 16, 2012Week 46- Jesus is the Life (John 14:5-11)
Dec 16, 2012Week 46- Jesus is the Life (John 14:5-11)By: Robert WilliamsSeries: Conversations with John
What is Life? When does Life begin? Where does Life come from? I will be discussing these questions from scripture.
Human Life is the very breath of God, imparted to Adam literally when God breathed into him. Because of disobedient sin, that life was shortened and cursed. Yet, from before time began, God had a plan, for the incarnation of Christ, by the virgin Mary. The perfected, pure, eternal, Life of God would dwell once again among men, by the Holy Spirit inhabiting Mary's womb. All Life is eternal, it comes from God in eternity past, and it continues either in Heaven with God, or separate from Him in eternity future.
Life does not begin at conception, as some report today. In Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." - Dec 9, 2012Week 45- Jesus is the Truth (John 14:5-11)
Dec 9, 2012Week 45- Jesus is the Truth (John 14:5-11)Series: Conversations with JohnIn ancient Greek culture, truth (aletheia) was synonymous for “reality” as the opposite of illusion. When Jesus said He was the truth, it was not just a random adjective that he chose. “Truth” meant “the manifested,” “the essence of matter.” Jesus was saying He was the real deal; God in the flesh; truth, in the flesh! Jesus coming to earth as a man to dwell among us, shows us proclamation and demonstration. Jesus is divine truth revealed to man. He is the very Word of God that leads us into all truth. We will look at grace and also how a half-truth is a whole lie. We must see Jesus (the Word of God) as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…so help us God!
- Nov 25, 2012Week 44- Jesus is the Way (John 14:5-11)
Nov 25, 2012Week 44- Jesus is the Way (John 14:5-11)Series: Conversations with JohnIn today’s world we find more and more churches are teaching false doctrines about how to attain a relationship with God. Preaching that Jesus is the ONLY way to God has come to be viewed as judgmental and narrow minded. It is much nicer to talk about all of us reaching to God in our own way. Yet in this passage of scripture Jesus clearly says that the ONLY way to come to God is through Him...no exceptions. In this message we will examine the lies that are being taught from a variety of sources about the way to salvation and establish what Jesus clearly states is truth.
- Nov 18, 2012Week 43- Jesus is God (John 14:5-11)
Nov 18, 2012Week 43- Jesus is God (John 14:5-11)Series: Conversations with JohnOne of the most important doctrines in all of Scripture is the Deity of Jesus Christ. The Bible attests to the fact that He is not only with God, from God, and of God; but also that He is God. He is Emmanuel (God with us)! Jesus declared “I am,” a title reserved in Scripture for only God Himself. We will examine not only the titles He shares with God but also His attributes. Jesus is God’s agent in the world, not merely a righteous man or divine spokesman. He is God. To that fact, our faith allows no exception.
- Nov 11, 2012Week 42- Preparing a Place for You (John 14:1-4)
- Nov 4, 2012Week 41- The Litmus Test (John 13:18-38)
Nov 4, 2012Week 41- The Litmus Test (John 13:18-38)Series: Conversations with JohnCovering John 13:18-38. Jesus said, “I know those I have chosen”. He goes on to reveal Judas Iscariot as His betrayer. Jesus gives a command to love one another. He declares that by loving one another, “all men will know that you are my disciples.” This is one of many ‘one another’ Scriptures and serves as a litmus test of where we are in our relationship with Jesus. Peter boldly proclaims he would follow Jesus anywhere, even up to laying down his life for Him. Jesus brings him to reality predicting that even Peter will deny the Christ three times. Loving ourselves is much easier than loving one another. How is your relationship with Jesus? Does it reflect in your relationship with others?
- Oct 28, 2012Week 40- Identity: The Full Extent of His Love (John 13:1-17)
Oct 28, 2012Week 40- Identity: The Full Extent of His Love (John 13:1-17)Series: Conversations with JohnCovering John 13:1-17. Right before the Last supper, Jesus shows the ultimate example of servant leadership by washing His disciples feet. John is the only Gospel to record this monumental event. John sets the stage by saying in verse 1; “He now showed them the full extent of His love.” Serving others is truly an ultimate expression of the Father’s love. Why would the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, dressed down like a slave, stoop down and wash dirty feet? John shows us it was because He knew His identity and possessed the Father’s love. Jesus set an example for us that we should do likewise and even promises that we will be blessed if we do. We can serve others because our identity is in Christ.
- Oct 14, 2012Week 38- The Seed Must Die (John 12:20-36)
Oct 14, 2012Week 38- The Seed Must Die (John 12:20-36)Series: Conversations with JohnCovering John 12:20-36, Jesus begins to warn His disciples of His impending death; that His hour has come to be glorified. He then equates His life (and ours as well) to seeds that must die for them to produce many seeds. 1 Corinthians 15:35-38 states as well, a seed doesn’t grow into a plant unless it dies first. Seeds do not carry with them instant satisfaction. A plant does not grow overnight. A seed that dies is the prolific (productive) principle of future life! What “plant” are we expecting in our lives without first sowing the seed?
- Oct 7, 2012Week 37- The Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-19)
Oct 7, 2012Week 37- The Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-19)Series: Conversations with John
The Triumphal Entry (John 12_12-19)
John 12 contains a brief account of what many have called the Triumphal Entry when Jesus came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey's colt. Pastor Scott compares and contrasts this entrance of Jesus to the final glorious triumphant entry of Jesus at His second coming.
- Sep 23, 2012Week 36- Selfishness is Anti-Worship (John 11:45-12:11)
Sep 23, 2012Week 36- Selfishness is Anti-Worship (John 11:45-12:11)Series: Conversations with JohnCovering Jn. 11:45-12:11, Jesus withdraws from the public and spends time with a family; Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Mary breaks an expensive bottle of perfume and pours it on Jesus' feet in an act of love and worship. The fragrance, it is said, filled the house. We will look at Judas Iscariot's reaction to his view of it being "waste" and how we should balance ministry to others with that of ministry to the Lord.
- May 12, 2013Week 63- That’s None of Your Business (John 21:18-25)
- May 5, 2013Week 62- Our God of Second Chances (John 21:15-17)
- Apr 28, 2013Week 61- What a Fish Story (John 21:1-17)
- Apr 21, 2013Week 60- No Doubt About It (John 20-24-31)
- Apr 7, 2013Week 59- Equipped with His Active Presence (John 20:19-23)
- Mar 31, 2013Week 58- Alive! (John 20:1-18)
- Mar 24, 2013Week 57- The Crucifixion (John 19:16-42)
- Mar 17, 2013Week 56- The Beloved Disciple (John 19:17-27)
- Mar 10, 2013Week 55- All Hail King Jesus (John 18:28-19:16)
- Feb 24, 2013Week 54- The Ups and Downs of Peter (John 18:1-27)
- Feb 17, 2013Week 53- Perfect Unity (John 17)
- Feb 10, 2013Week 52- Asking and Believing (John 16:17-33)
- Feb 3, 2013Week 51- Meet The Holy Spirit (John 16:5-16)
- Jan 20, 2013Week 50- The World Loves Me Not (John 15:16-16:4)
- Jan 13, 2013Week 49- Remain in Me (John 15:1-17)
- Jan 6, 2013Week 48- Greater Things Than These (John 14-12-31)
- Dec 23, 2012Week 47- Jesus is Born (John 14:5-11)
- Dec 16, 2012Week 46- Jesus is the Life (John 14:5-11)
- Dec 9, 2012Week 45- Jesus is the Truth (John 14:5-11)
- Nov 25, 2012Week 44- Jesus is the Way (John 14:5-11)
- Nov 18, 2012Week 43- Jesus is God (John 14:5-11)
- Nov 11, 2012Week 42- Preparing a Place for You (John 14:1-4)
- Nov 4, 2012Week 41- The Litmus Test (John 13:18-38)
- Oct 28, 2012Week 40- Identity: The Full Extent of His Love (John 13:1-17)
- Oct 14, 2012Week 38- The Seed Must Die (John 12:20-36)
- Oct 7, 2012Week 37- The Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-19)
- Sep 23, 2012Week 36- Selfishness is Anti-Worship (John 11:45-12:11)