Jan 11, 2015
Week 8- Jesus is the Sabbath
In the Old Covenant; the Sabbath was a covenant sign between man and God that pointed to the New. In the New Covenant, Jesus is the covenant sign between man and God! Jesus said in Matt 5:17 that He didn’t come to destroy the law or the prophets. He came to fulfill them (or to embody them and give them their true meaning that was only foreshadowed before but now is a reality in Him). The Sabbath is one such law that sees its greatest fulfillment in Jesus. He has designed us to rest in Him; spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical rest. Are you weary?
  • Jan 11, 2015Week 8- Jesus is the Sabbath
    Jan 11, 2015
    Week 8- Jesus is the Sabbath
    In the Old Covenant; the Sabbath was a covenant sign between man and God that pointed to the New. In the New Covenant, Jesus is the covenant sign between man and God! Jesus said in Matt 5:17 that He didn’t come to destroy the law or the prophets. He came to fulfill them (or to embody them and give them their true meaning that was only foreshadowed before but now is a reality in Him). The Sabbath is one such law that sees its greatest fulfillment in Jesus. He has designed us to rest in Him; spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical rest. Are you weary?
  • Dec 24, 2014Week 5- Jesus is Immanuel (Christmas Eve)
    Dec 24, 2014
    Week 5- Jesus is Immanuel (Christmas Eve)
    Jesus’ most precious name in my estimation is that of Immanuel, “God with us”. God. With. Us. Let that now very common Christmas familiarity sink in for a minute. Through Jesus and our faith and reliance in Him, God is with us; without separation. He communes with us, he makes His habitat in our hearts and souls. He moves into our neighborhood. We can talk to Him and He listens. He speaks and we recognize His voice. His presence is with us. God is with us!
  • Dec 21, 2014Week 4- Jesus in the Law AND Grace
    Dec 21, 2014
    Week 4- Jesus in the Law AND Grace
    The Law and Grace are often viewed as enemies; the former coming before Jesus. But Jesus isn’t absent in the Law. Yes, even the Law points to Jesus! How can the God of the Old Testament who condoned wholesale killing of other nations be the God of the New Testament where His love and grace are on full display? Why give such a strict set of rules that did not have the power to save? We need to be reminded that the Law came from God. Man used it as ‘works’ to gain righteousness; he used it as his task master and even his god. This was an import and application never in the plans or motives of God when giving His Law to His people. The Old and New are not competing covenants but rather complementary.
  • Dec 14, 2014Week 3- OT Foreshadows of Jesus
    Dec 14, 2014
    Week 3- OT Foreshadows of Jesus
    If “a picture is worth a thousand words” then an acted out or spoken visual is all the more effective. Jesus Himself communicated often using parables. The study of how God used pictures to teach His people is usually called typology; which means expressing concepts or messages through the use of types or word pictures. It is a kind of visual theology. A type is a real person, place, object, or event: it is true, real, and factual—not a made-up allegory. The Old Testament features numerous foreshadows of Jesus’ person and work through the use of typology. The Passover lamb, Jonah and David, as well as other types act as a predictive pattern or resemblance. The same truth is found in the Old Testament picture and the New Testament fulfillment.
  • Dec 7, 2014Week 2- The OT Gospel
    Dec 7, 2014
    Week 2- The OT Gospel
    Many see the Old Testament merely as “The Law” and the New Testament as “Grace”. We have been mistaken to believe that grace, salvation, and the gospel were first introduced into the world upon the incarnation of Jesus and the four gospel books penned that start our New Testament. However, the gospel of salvation and grace first appeared in the Garden of Eden. As well, the gospel of Abraham was the Gospel of Jesus! Jesus said, “Your father Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad.” (John 8:56) Abraham, lauded for being justified by faith had more than a general belief in God; he had a Messiah-centered faith.
  • Nov 30, 2014Week 1- The Old Testament is Not Obsolete
    Nov 30, 2014
    Week 1- The Old Testament is Not Obsolete
    The Old Testament is often misunderstood, ignored, or even maligned in the church today as we embrace the New Testament almost exclusively. The OT is mainly relegated to moralistic “Sunday School Bible stories” or biographical examples of how to live or not live. On the road to Emmaus Jesus appeared to His disciples and “beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the (Old Testament) Scriptures concerning Himself.” (Luke 24:27) The OT is not to be discarded; it points gloriously to a new covenant, a radiant gospel, and most importantly to the Messianic Savior- Jesus!
  • Nov 9, 2014Week 2- The Marriage Covenant
    Nov 9, 2014
    Week 2- The Marriage Covenant
    Society views marriage as an open-ended contract that is entered into with self-centered motives and desires. When these felt needs are no longer met, the marriage dissolves. After all, aren’t we supposed to be happy? The way that God would have us view marriage is a self-less, binding covenant between a husband, wife, and God. We will examine what God’s word says about our roles within the marriage covenant and how they affect our relationship and yes, our happiness. Ultimately, a healthy marriage is a reflection of our relationship as the bride to our bridegroom, Jesus Christ!
  • Oct 26, 2014God’s Heart for the Needy
    Oct 26, 2014
    God’s Heart for the Needy
    Series: Misc
    The Bible makes it very clear that as the people of God we are directed continually to provide for, feed, assist, and preach the gospel to the poor. "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:17-18). Our love for God and our love for others are paramount to our faith and walk in Christ. He additionally puts an even greater importance on the fatherless, the widow, those who do not have a defender, and the poor. When Jesus saw the needy, they were met with great compassion and sacrificial service. The proclamation of the gospel is always hand-in-hand with the demonstration of the Father’s love.
  • Oct 19, 2014Week 54- The Overarching Purpose of God (Acts 28:17-30)
    Oct 19, 2014
    Week 54- The Overarching Purpose of God (Acts 28:17-30)
    Everything led up to this. Paul’s citizenship, his missionary journeys, his imprisonment; everything led up to Paul reaching Rome, the epicenter of the Gentile world. God was the master architect orchestrating Paul being on mission for Him. God isn’t just concerned with one man, but all men; that they may know Him. Everything and everyone is interconnected. God desires to use each of us in such a way. The moment in time we were born, the location we live in, the experiences that we encounter, even wrong decisions are not wasted with our God. A tragedy like the Jew’s rejection of the Messiah, God used to help enable the Gentiles to be grafted in to God’s people. He is constantly at work!
  • Sep 21, 2014Week 51- Sharing Your Testimony (Acts 21:17- Acts 26)
    Sep 21, 2014
    Week 51- Sharing Your Testimony (Acts 21:17- Acts 26)
    The Apostle Paul is brought to trial in a long narrative found in Acts 21:17- Acts 26. We see how Paul stands up boldly for his faith in Christ and in Jesus’ resurrection. We also read how he recants his testimony of how he met Jesus, was radically saved and called to be a herald to the Gentiles. Though most of us do not have a past like Paul’s, killing and imprisoning Christians; we do all have a story to tell of how we too met Jesus and were redeemed by His grace. How can I share my testimony? How do we make sure that God gets all of the glory for His rescue?
  • Sep 7, 2014Week 49- Why So Serious? (Acts 20:22-38)
    Sep 7, 2014
    Week 49- Why So Serious? (Acts 20:22-38)
    Paul shows us just how dedicated and sold-out he is to His Lord. He considers his life outside of Christ as nothing, gladly being imprisoned and beaten for the sake of Jesus who suffered for him. Paul’s only desire is to finish the race and complete the task given to him that of testifying of the good news of God’s grace. Living for Christ Jesus is serious business, something that we at times take too lightly. Thank God for the example of Paul’s commitment, sacrifice, and attitude to urge us on in our own race!
  • Aug 31, 2014Week 48- How We Do Church (Acts 20:1-21)
    Aug 31, 2014
    Week 48- How We Do Church (Acts 20:1-21)
    Paul sent for the elders of the church at Ephesus to say goodbye to them, encourage them and charge them as shepherds since he knew his time was approaching the end. He gave them instructions as overseers of the flock. Paul also reminded them that he has not hesitated to teach publicly (in the temple and temple colonnade) and from house to house. We are passionate about both arenas as well, especially our Life Groups at CWP. We are not a church with life groups; we are a church of life groups…It’s how we do church!  Real discipleship and life change happens in these smaller gatherings. Our vision for every Life Group is to have three dimensions. We will look at those three together.
  • Aug 17, 2014Week 46- The Holy Spirit Experience (Acts 19:1-22)
    Aug 17, 2014
    Week 46- The Holy Spirit Experience (Acts 19:1-22)
    In Ephesus, Paul asked some disciples, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed (or translated, after you believed)?” Every Christian born of the Spirit “has” the Holy Spirit.  Nevertheless, there is a second general experience with the Holy Spirit, the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” which is not simultaneous with birth in the Spirit but subsequent to it.  Paul placed his hands on them and they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (#6 of 6 occurrences in the book of Acts). We will take a look at what the Spirit’s baptism provides for a believer. For two years Paul spoke and it says, “so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” God did extraordinary miracles through Paul; handkerchiefs and aprons that touched him were brought to the sick and they were made well and evil spirits left them!
  • Aug 3, 2014Week 44- Using what you Have (Acts 17:16-34)
    Aug 3, 2014
    Week 44- Using what you Have (Acts 17:16-34)
    The Apostle Paul ministered to the Areopagus in Athens in a powerful way. He used what they were already familiar with; pointing to inscriptions on objects of their idol worship and quoting their own poets. This he did to springboard proclamation of the gospel and introduction of THE one true God. Similarly, Jesus pointed to various objects or people that they could see to convey His intended message (such as a tree, birds, grass; a profession or pointing to an individual who gave all they had). These starting points, just as Paul had utilized in our passage from Acts 17; gave Jesus context with people. God enables us to use what people are familiar with to create a launch pad for God’s story in their life! Are you using what you already have?
  • Jul 13, 2014Week 42- The Midnight Hour (Acts 16:16-40)
    Jul 13, 2014
    Week 42- The Midnight Hour (Acts 16:16-40)
    After having been stripped, beaten, severely flogged, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison. There they were in an inner cell, their feet fastened in stocks, guarded carefully. The passage says, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” At their “midnight hour,” their darkest, bloodiest, hardest, time; they prayed and they sang to God! They could have been angry at Him; after all, doing “His ministry” is what caused all of the persecution they were enduring! Instead, they experienced joy and comfort. What’s more, they encountered freedom! We will look at facing our “midnight hours” with the joy of the Lord and how we too can experience breakthroughs!
  • Jun 15, 2014Week 39- Don’t Make it Difficult (Acts 15:1-35)
    Jun 15, 2014
    Week 39- Don’t Make it Difficult (Acts 15:1-35)
    The Holy Spirit draws people to God. He gives Christians the ministry of reconciliation as vehicles in this process. As such, we are a part of a means to an end; many turning to God, by His grace through our faith. However, when the means gets in the way of the end, we make it difficult to turn to God. What are ways that we “put on the necks of disciples a yoke that they are unable to bear?” As fishers of men, how are we possibly trying to clean the fish before God enables us to catch them? God does indeed desire that we be set apart and different from the world we live in once we turn to Him. Our task at the onset is to make sure that God is the one that initiates that transformation and that we do not hinder that glorious work by making it difficult to turn to Him.
  • Jun 8, 2014Week 38- Appointing Leaders (Acts 14:21-28) (Ordination Sunday)
    Jun 8, 2014
    Week 38- Appointing Leaders (Acts 14:21-28) (Ordination Sunday)
    The strengthening of disciples and the encouragement to stay true to the faith, going into all the world, as well as building local churches; necessitates the appointing of leaders. These leaders, which we will primarily look at are elders, are always plural in Scripture. Elders have the God-given task of caring for the souls given under their care. We will look at the role those have to whom God has called to lead. We will also challenge, ordain, and pray over several local leaders commissioning them and releasing them into their gospel calling.
  • Jun 1, 2014Lessons from Abraham
    Jun 1, 2014
    Lessons from Abraham
    No matter what dynamic our 'family' constitutes, we have a responsibility to share our faith, our experiences, our knowledge, and the instruction of the God of the Bible as believers. This mandate is particularly true for that of parents. In Genesis chapter 22, "Father Abraham" is powerfully tested by God concerning his son Isaac; and what may or may not be lost is that Isaac, besides God Himself, is the one watching! From this we receive eight lessons from Abraham to his family.
  • May 18, 2014Week 36- Honoring the Word of the Lord (Acts 13:36-52)
    May 18, 2014
    Week 36- Honoring the Word of the Lord (Acts 13:36-52)
    Paul and Barnabas proclaimed the good news of Jesus, urged the people to continue in the grace of God, and gathered the whole city together to hear the word of the Lord. The Jews rejected it and Paul announced that they now will turn to the Gentiles.  Verse 48 says, “When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord.” How did they “honor” the Word? How do we? Do our lives and our choices show honor or dishonor to God’s Word?
  • May 11, 2014Week 35- Serving God’s Purpose – Acts 13:13-36
    May 11, 2014
    Week 35- Serving God’s Purpose – Acts 13:13-36
    We are all called to serve God’s purpose in our generation. Part of that purpose is assuring a Godly linage. As the Apostle Paul unfolds the Gospel story in the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch, he does so by addressing those who paved the way for Jesus. We serve the same purpose as mothers, fathers, teachers, workers, and friends. In 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, Paul speaks of his and his companions’ role among people: “we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”
  • Apr 20, 2014Easter Sunday- God’s Emancipation Proclamation (Romans 6:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15)
    Apr 20, 2014
    Easter Sunday- God’s Emancipation Proclamation (Romans 6:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15)
    On this Resurrection Sunday, we consider the lasting effects of Jesus’ sacrifice and his triumphant resurrection in the life of the person who now lives for Him. His victory over death completed the work that frees us from the tyranny of sin. We are now free! We will also talk about the role that baptism has and witness the joy of others being baptized. This act of obedience shows the personal application of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in our place for our sins. New life is worth celebrating!
  • Apr 13, 2014Week 32- Praise to the King of Kings (Acts 12:19-25)
    Apr 13, 2014
    Week 32- Praise to the King of Kings (Acts 12:19-25)
    The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever! In our text, Herod, wearing his royal robes, sitting on his throne, and being called a god by the people was struck down by the Lord for not giving praise to God. Our lives self-destruct when we take for our glory, that which is due Him. On this Palm Sunday we will also look at the triumphant entry of Jesus to the praises of “Hosanna, Hosanna!”. Praises that were short-lived. Are we praising Him continually or have ours had an expiration date also?
  • Mar 30, 2014Week 30- Evidence of Grace Part 2 (Acts 11:19-30)
    Mar 30, 2014
    Week 30- Evidence of Grace Part 2 (Acts 11:19-30)
    Grace is the whole of God’s activity toward man. This is unearned and unmerited by man. He cannot achieve a higher status with God, nor can he earn this divine transformation. However, as we talked about last week; ‘grace’ is the divine influence upon the heart, AND it’s reflection in the life of man that grace is bestowed upon. When Barnabas arrived in Antioch he “saw the evidence of the grace of God.” How do we reconcile that grace is imparted through faith and not works, yet we were “created for good works” and that “we would know them by their fruits”? There is a divine tension between God’s part and our part. Finding the right balance is the difference between legalism and “sloppy agape” lawlessness.
  • Mar 23, 2014Week 29- Evidence of Grace- Part 1 (Acts 11)
    Mar 23, 2014
    Week 29- Evidence of Grace- Part 1 (Acts 11)
    When Barnabas arrived in Antioch he “saw the evidence of the grace of God.” What is God’s grace? What is the evidence that can be seen? What does the evidence of grace look like in a believer’s life? The disciples, it is said, were also first called “Christians” in Antioch. What would cause others to look at a group of people and call them “followers of Christ”? Is there evidence in our life?
  • Mar 2, 2014Week 26- The Impact of a Servant (Acts 9:32-43)
    Mar 2, 2014
    Week 26- The Impact of a Servant (Acts 9:32-43)
    Peter is called to a room where a woman named Tabitha lay dead. She is surrounded by mourners who, as they cried, showed off the clothing that she had made for them. There isn’t much we know about Tabitha other than she appeared to touch the lives of others with her service and that she was raised back to life to the glory of God. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. We too can affect people in a great way as we serve them. We will look at what a servant of the gospel truly is and ways that we can serve others.
  • Feb 9, 2014Week 23- The Right Place at the Right Time (Acts 8:26-40)
    Feb 9, 2014
    Week 23- The Right Place at the Right Time (Acts 8:26-40)
    Philip being instrumental in the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch demonstrates in a powerful way the leading of the Holy Spirit. There are always opportunities all around us where God is moving on hearts and orchestrating His saving grace. We too can be “in the right place at the right time” if we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Philip used the very thing the eunuch was reading to proclaim to him the good news about Jesus. Another note-worthy aspect of his conversion was that water baptism was a natural expectation of the “next step”.
  • Jan 26, 2014Week 21- Kicked Out of the Nest (Acts 7:51-8:4)
    Jan 26, 2014
    Week 21- Kicked Out of the Nest (Acts 7:51-8:4)
    The stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, began great persecution that broke out against the early believers. Saul began to destroy the church. All except the Apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Jesus’ commission before ascending to the Father was to be His witnesses in the very places that they were now scattered. In a very real sense, God used this to kick them out of the nest! They preached the Word where ever they went and they made disciples! Would they have done so without persecution? Will we?